11 research outputs found

    Towards Design For a Nutrient Trading Programme to Improve Water Quality in Lake Rotorua

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    This paper explores how to enhance the role for academic research (natural sciences, economics and their integration; and stakeholder management) within the development and implementation of water quality policy in New Zealand. Our focus is on the use of market based instruments and particularly nutrient trading programmes, which are one important part of the potential tool kit to address these issues. We discuss why nutrient trading might be an appropriate instrument for the Lake Rotorua catchment. We survey the existing literature and then outline the outstanding scientific, economic and governance questions that need to be addressed to design an effective trading programme. Finally we discuss how to design a process to address these questions drawing on both technical and practical knowledge through a learning process.water quality, emissions trading, non-point source pollution, nutrients, Rotorua, communication, learning, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q53, Q57, Q58, A12,

    Towards Design for a Nutrient Trading Programme to Improve Water Quality in Lake Rotorua

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    This paper explores how to enhance the role for academic research (natural sciences, economics and their integration; and stakeholder management) within the development and implementation of water quality policy in New Zealand. Our focus is on the use of market based instruments and particularly nutrient trading programmes, which are one important part of the potential tool kit to address these issues. We discuss why nutrient trading might be an appropriate instrument for the Lake Rotorua catchment. We survey the existing literature and then outline the outstanding scientific, economic and governance questions that need to be addressed to design an effective trading programme. Finally we discuss how to design a process to address these questions drawing on both technical and practical knowledge through a learning process.water quality; emissions trading; non-point source pollution; nutrients; Rotorua; communication; learning

    Coastal landforms and sediments of the Marlborough Sounds

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    This thesis examines coastal form and sediments of the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. An important aspect of coastal behaviour in this landscape stems from linkages between catchment and coast. Focus is therefore placed on the manner in which sediment delivered from catchment sources is redistributed within the shore and offshore domains. Coastal response is shown to depend on two factors: the form of the receiving sites and the mobility of sediments within them. Investigation of coastal landforms at a range of scales identifies the framework within which sedimentation takes place. Consideration of landscape sediment redistribution at Quaternary, Holocene and human timescales establishes the locations in the coastal landscape in which change has taken place. A key factor in coastal response relates to the wide size range of sediments delivered. The fractionation of sediment within the coastal domains is used as an index by which to identify the controls on coastal sedimentation. A new conceptual model of coastal behaviour, the Ordered Response Model, is developed as a framework within which to investigate coastal response. The model is operationalised in three ways. This is done first with regard to coastal sediments and their grain-size interpretation, secondly in the context of shoreline form and sediment redistribution, and thirdly in relation to form and sediment trapping within coastal embayments. The patterns of sediment redistribution are seen to reflect trapping behaviour in the coastal landscape at a range of scales. Sediments are investigated from the viewpoint of the factors which determine their retention or accumulation in or rejection from a coastal site. Shore sites are distinguished on the basis of the extent to which they trap materials delivered to them from catchment sources. Governing factors are shoreline gradient and size grade of materials. A primary fractionation of sediments takes place at the shore and the finer fractions are by-passed to the nearshore. Sediment fractions that are relatively immobile under prevailing environmental conditions develop paved lag surfaces at a range of scales. Sediments that accumulate at the shore are distinctive in their mixed sand and xv gravel composition with a dominant mode in the granule and very coarse sand grades (-291 to 091). Sediment deposited on the intertidal surfaces is found to be redistributed by a distinctive mechanism. Migratory intertidal bedforms defined here as "clastic waves" are a means by which the low energy shores disperse sediment which is delivered to them. These waves are a distinctive form of the shoreline of the Marlborough Sounds, and have attributes different from other shoreline forms identified in the literature. Clastic waves are shore-parallel, crescentic or lunate forms with longshore crest dimensions of 0.5 to 30m, length dimension perpendicular to the crest of up to 20m, and crest heights of 0.05m to 0.5m. Rates of intermittent migration vary from 1m/day to 10m/year. Key factors in their development are identified as low wave energy, tidal range, intermediate to low intertidal gradients (<1:20) and a mixed sand and fine gravel grain-size. Bathymetric form is found to reflect the varying influence of sub-bottom morphology, sediment accumulation and hydraulic reworking. Analysis of sediment thickness identifies a mean thickness over sub-bottom of 7.33m in Pelorus Sound. Spatial variations in sediment thickness identifY marginal embayments as significant sediment traps. Mean sedimentation rates calculated over a 6,000 year timespan give Pelorus Sound a spatially averaged rate of 1.22mm/yr. Sub-bottom form is shown to have a stronger role in determining bathymetric form than previously reported. Due to the constraining effect of shallow sub-bottom form on sedimentary processes sediment thicknesses in the inner Pelorus Sound are not greater than those found in channels or embayments in the middle reaches of the Sound. A mean thickness of 5.75m from sub-bottom seismic profiles in the inner Pelorus equates to a sedimentation rate of 0.96mm/year over 6,000years, at about which time the river valleys of the Marlborough Sounds were drowned by postglacial rising sea-levels. Analysis of sub-bottom form reveals evidence of previously unreported drowned terrace remnants, which are correlated to subaerial terrace remnants. On the basis of both long profile patterns along these remnant surfaces and an analysis of bathymetric form of marginal bays and channels, an interpretation is developed of the origin of form in Pelorus Channel and Tory ChanneL Sediment trapping behaviour is identified as the most distinctive attribute of this coastal landscape, and shown to operate at a range of nested scales. As a XVI consequence of trapping behaviour, the operation of any part of this coastal landscape must be considered in relation to its operation as a whole

    Towards Design For a Nutrient Trading Programme to Improve Water Quality in Lake Rotorua

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    This paper explores how to enhance the role for academic research (natural sciences, economics and their integration; and stakeholder management) within the development and implementation of water quality policy in New Zealand. Our focus is on the use of market based instruments and particularly nutrient trading programmes, which are one important part of the potential tool kit to address these issues. We discuss why nutrient trading might be an appropriate instrument for the Lake Rotorua catchment. We survey the existing literature and then outline the outstanding scientific, economic and governance questions that need to be addressed to design an effective trading programme. Finally we discuss how to design a process to address these questions drawing on both technical and practical knowledge through a learning process

    Towards Design For a Nutrient Trading Programme to Improve Water Quality in Lake Rotorua

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    This paper explores how to enhance the role for academic research (natural sciences, economics and their integration; and stakeholder management) within the development and implementation of water quality policy in New Zealand. Our focus is on the use of market based instruments and particularly nutrient trading programmes, which are one important part of the potential tool kit to address these issues. We discuss why nutrient trading might be an appropriate instrument for the Lake Rotorua catchment. We survey the existing literature and then outline the outstanding scientific, economic and governance questions that need to be addressed to design an effective trading programme. Finally we discuss how to design a process to address these questions drawing on both technical and practical knowledge through a learning process

    Opportunities and barriers to successful learning transfer: an evaluation of the impact of critical care training

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    This paper is a report of a study assessing the impact on nursing practice of critical care skills training for ward-based nurses. Background:Following a government review of adult critical care provision, new ways of working were advocated to ensure that critical care services depended on the needs of the patient, not their location in the hospital. A re-conceptualisation beyond service provision in high dependency units and intensive care units was required in order to deliver an integrated service. This has ramifications for training requirements.Methods:Semi-structured interviews were used to explore perceived learning and learning transfer from a range of courses. The data were collected from course attendees (n=47) and line-managers (n=19) across two sites between 2005 and 2006. Findings:Learning was closely associated with the clinical application of new skills and knowledge. Commonly, course attendees and line-managers quoted increased knowledge and confidence, better assessment skills, and improved interprofessional working. Time with competency assessors, availability of expanding roles, and supernumerary time were key factors for successful learning transfer. Barriers were financial pressures on hospitals, lack of perceived relevance of the course to staff or nursing practice, and lack of time to practice skills or work with clinical skills facilitators.Conclusion: Course design should be a collaborative activity between education providers and commissioners to ensure the impact of training on practice. Relevance of material, time to practise skills and new learning, and organisational, rather than merely individual, support are essential for successful training interventions

    Meeting the challenge of problem-based learning: developing the facilitators

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    Problem-based learning methodologies are now extensively utilized within contemporary nursing curricula. One factor which has been found to be vital to the successful use of these methodologies is the effectiveness of the facilitator. For some teachers, the facilitation of problem-based learning tutorials demands a shift from teacher- to student-centred instruction; for others it requires continuing development of present practice. It is proposed that this transformation or modification of teacher practice can be achieved through the use of group reflection for teacher development. This paper suggests that a group reflective practice strategy for facilitator development is more likely to prepare teachers to meet the demands of problem-based learning than traditional forms of staff development

    Estudos sobre transtornos de personalidade Antissocial e Borderline Estudios sobre trastornos de personalidad Anti-social y Borderline Studies of personality disorders Antisocial and Borderline

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    OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetivou revisar, na literatura, os critérios diagnósticos e as intervenções nos transtornos de personalidade do tipo Antissocial e Borderline. MÉTODOS: Uma pesquisa manual foi realizada no acervo bibliográfico particular do autor, selecionando-se 12 referências; outra pesquisa sistematizada foi desenvolvida no período de 1990 a 2008, no mês de janeiro de 2009, na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, selecionando-se 23 artigos. RESULTADOS: Os achados indicaram duas abordagens - uma que classifica como doença, mas que necessita de revisão dos critérios diagnósticos e avaliação e a segunda, que classifica como problemas morais. CONCLUSÃO: Independente da abordagem é necessário que o enfermeiro aprimore seu conhecimento e compreenda a dificuldade desse sujeito ao relacionar-se adequadamente com outras pessoas; assim, é de fundamental importância que os membros da equipe de saúde analisem seus sentimentos, atitudes e reações em relação ao comportamento do cliente, uma vez que a relação com esta clientela é considerada uma das mais complexas em saúde mental.<br>OBJETIVO: Este estudio tuvo por objetivo revisar, en la literatura, los criterios diagnósticos y las intervenciones en los trastornos de personalidad del tipo Anti-social y Borderline. MÉTODOS: Se trata de una investigación manual que fue realizada en el acervo bibliográfico particular del autor, seleccionando 12 referencias; otra investigación sistematizada fue desarrollada en el período de 1990 a 2008, en el mes de enero de 2009, en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, seleccionándose 23 artículos. RESULTADOS: Los hallazgos indicaron dos abordajes - uno que los clasifica como enfermedad, pero que necesita de revisión de los criterios diagnósticos y de evaluación, y la segunda, que los clasifica como problemas morales. CONCLUSIÓN: Independientemente del abordaje es necesario que el enfermero perfeccione su conocimiento y comprenda la dificultad de ese sujeto para relacionarse adecuadamente con otras personas; así, es de fundamental importancia que los miembros del equipo de salud analicen sus sentimientos, actitudes e reacciones en relación al comportamiento del cliente, una vez que la relación con esta clientela es considerada una de las más complejas en salud mental.<br>OBJECTIVE: This study had the objective of reviewing, in the literature, the diagnostic criteria and the intervention in personality disorders, Antisocial and Borderline types. METHODS: A manual research was performed in the author's private collection of books, selecting 12 references; other research has been systematically developed in the period 1990-2008, in January 2009, in the Virtual Health Library, selecting 23 papers. RESULTS: Our findings indicated two approaches - one that classifies as an illness, but that needs to review the diagnostic criteria and evaluation, and the second, that classifies them as moral problems. CONCLUSION: Regardless the type of approach, is necessary that nurses enhance their knowledge and understand the difficulty of this subject to relate properly with others; thus, it is crucial that members of the healthcare team examine their feelings, attitudes and reactions related to the client's behavior, since the relationship with this type of customer is considered one of the most complex in the mental health field